My turning point…

For someone to change themselves it usually takes one particular event to happen to begin that change. At 15 years old, I was 230 lbs and 6 foot. My turning point was when my family got our first camera my mom bought. My sister recorded us playing video games and when I saw myself I was in disbelief. After that I thought I needed to lose weight. So playing football like my cousin was the only thing I thought of. Needless to say I wasn’t built mentally for football. It was a great experience, teaching me things to create a good foundation for fitness and health.

That’s when I decided to do my own thing. Wasn’t healthy, what I did but it got the job done. I ran a whole lot while eating barely anything. Over the years, I had a lot of fluctuations with my weight but working out became a main part of my life all the same.

There comes a point in our lives when we must change for the better. For some people it might be as simple as a look in the mirror or suddenly not being able to do things like you use to because of age. But for those unlucky, it could be a stroke or a heart attack. In my career as a fitness professional, most of my clients didn’t have to experience the latter to invoke change. I learned for someone to really change themselves or lifestyle, it’s truly up to them. They have to be the one to see the problem. You can’t force change.


How I handle stress…


New life, New beginning