The transition with my motivation

People have their own reasons for staying healthy and working out. Yes, people should workout for their health but let’s be honest we do it for other reasons. I started working out when I was 15 in high school, not by choice. I decided I wanted to play football, to get girls and be popular. I remembered having to workout but didn’t care for it. After the season was over, which ended with me having an ankle sprain. Sprain or no sprain, I’m going to be honest I sucked. Football wasn’t for me. But I figured let me just continue to workout and get stronger, even though I wouldn’t play again.

So I definitely continue to workout, yes for girls attention. From there it led to me wanting to just improve my physical appearance. Didn’t care too much for girls attention because I eventually was in a relationship and wanted to look good for my girlfriend. Anyway that’s how it stayed for sometime. There was a time when I wanted to compete for a bodybuilding show but to be honest the dedication needed to do that is incredible. It wasn’t that I didn’t have enough dedication but I know I would be missing one component of competing and bodybuilding.

To really develop your body and build or lose weight, you need 3 things to be on point. Workout, nutrition and sleeping, the last one being difficult for me. My career as a personal trainer is very important to me. I’m ambitious when it comes to work. Long days and working 7 days isn’t a good habit to have while trying to compete.

Eventually, family life got in the way and wanted to make sure I’m working out for longevity. During this time I did different things like CrossFit and other group classes. Didn’t want to stick to just lifting and basic things but look for some change. During all this my diet wasn’t bad but not perfect, perfect.

Right now, my workouts haven’t changed too much but what has is my reason somewhat. In the past few weeks I found out that I have coronary heart disease. It sucks to find out about this especially since I do take care of myself. Yes this is hereditary but I figure I need to make some more dietary changes. More fiber, veggies and fruit. It is definitely a frustrating thing to come to grips with but it could be worse. Sometimes things are out of your control but you just need to adapt and adjust to different situations. Just keep moving forward and stay motivated.


New year. New goals!


Swim like a fish