New year. New goals!

The end of the year is upon us and I am looking to improve and upgrade not only myself but my business. When it comes to business, just listening to different successful businessmen and women and creating my own plan of attack. Being proactive and not reactive.

When it comes to myself, my goals are influenced by mainly what I been through this past year, medically.

After being diagnosed with CAD, coronary artery disease, and being extremely frustrated to know why. I decided it’s probably necessary to be more on the leaner side. The cardiologist said this is something that’s hereditary and there’s not much to do but I figure it wouldn’t hurt to try. It does get frustrating because I know a vegetarian that has the same issue. You would think that it’s because I’m a meat eater why I’m suffering from this but look at this vegetarian. Either way everyone is different and responds to things in different ways.

So now I’m at 195 at 6’. The plan is to stay at a consistent 180 next year. But I am giving myself a challenge. I’m looking to do another photo shoot, this time focus on being the leanest I possibly can. Maybe get down to 165-170. Either way having the photo shoot set up will be more motivation to get to that weight.

I really never liked the scale but I’m going to use it as a guide. If I get close to or get to that weight and feel and look like crap, I will stop.

These are my plans for next year, well some of them. But we all know, when we have plans GOD laughs. We shall see.




The transition with my motivation