Summer Body

So it’s summer time. Yay! Kids are almost out of school and parents are starting to figure out what to do with the kids during the summer. Vacations should be planned out by now and everyone can’t wait for some REST AND RELAXATION. But wait, mentally you are ready but are you ready physically?

Being in this profession as long as I have, there are so many people that want to try to have their summer body a month if not few weeks before their summer vacation. It’s tough to see at times when people do these extreme dieting and extreme exercise routines to lose so much weight so fast. It’s really unhealthy and a person can end up hurting themselves.

From personal experience working in a corporate gym, a member was told by his doctor to lose weight. He came into the gym on a Monday did a lot of cardio and went into the steam room. Repeated that on Tuesday. And finally on Wednesday he did that again and collapse on the treadmill. We found out all these details by another member that knew him. We tried our best to revive him until the EMTs arrived but he later died. Even though he wasn’t getting ready for the summer, these extreme dieting and extreme workouts could lead to dire consequences. A person needs to ease into things, not go from A to Z.

That being said, what should you do? Most people can’t be beach body ready year round. Can they? To a certain extent, yes. Especially if you live in the warmer areas. But some people don’t. They live in areas where there are 4 seasons. For those in 4 season regions, what should you do?

It can be simple as watching what you eat during the fall and winter months. Of course enjoying those special holidays, ie Thanksgiving but don’t make it a month long celebration. From my experience gaining around 10lbs during these months is ok, 15 tops. If you are keeping a consistent work out routine and being consistent with your eating excluding holidays you shouldn’t gain much. Probably just gain water weight that you will lose over a day or two.

But let’s face it some people will usually stop working out and not eat well. Once the holidays come, there is a snowball effect. It doesn’t stop until, the realization comes to you that summer and vacation is coming. For those people you should start the first day of Spring. That is usually mid March. Usually people go on vacation in June. But also, if you live in America, Memorial Day weekend is an important holiday to look great. Either way starting mid March will have you somewhat ready for Memorial Day weekend and then ready summer vacation, which is usually in the summer months of June through August.

It really comes down to having a plan. Have a start time, a goal day and be consistent. Just always keep in mind though. Gaining and losing large amounts of weight could be an issue down the line. So please consider all of these things and do what best works for you. Be happy and stay healthy.


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