What do I love the most about training clients???

Being a personal trainer for many years now there is a lot to like and love about it. Of course I love helping people. Watching clients that reach their goals and do things they never did before or haven’t done since high school or something. Even though my clients come to me with goals, I usually have a goal or two I want them to achieve as well.

That being said, there’s one thing I love about training clients though. It’s hearing their stories. Listen let’s face the facts we are considered therapists at times. Clients come to let loose, physically and mentally. When a client opens up to me it lets me know they trust me. That means a lot to me. Don’t get me wrong clients and I talk but we workout as well. There are times I get texts “Great workout Shane and thanks for listening.” Which to me is rewarding.

But I enjoy hearing about their lives. Us as people need to learn to listen more not just hear but actually listen to understand each other. I feel like there’s a difference between hearing and listening. I will never know what is it to be a white Italian Vietnam Vet, a black female that works in corporate, a Jewish female stay at home mom, or a young guy that just survived stage 4 lymphoma. All these different stories. All these different perspectives.

So hearing these stories, I learn about my clients, the world and myself. I learn what each person had to endure to get where they are. The trials, the ups and downs. I learn about the world by what problems they faced, either by other people or the system. Then about myself, is really how I personally feel about each experience they went through and what I take from it.

All the different experiences I will never go through, good or bad is incredible. My professor always said be a sponge. You never stop learning doesn’t matter how old you are. Everyone has a story to tell and I enjoy hearing each other. But we still are here to workout and reach goals.


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