Weight Loss Shot

So there have been many attempts when individuals create ways for people to loss weight. Either a pill that “increases your metabolism,” surgeries that alter the structure of your stomach or detoxes. Now there’s something that is picking up steam, the weight loss Injection.

This injection is suppose to be for people with type 2 diabetes and it helps them lose weight. But of course other people are getting access to this injection. Some side effects are stomach issues and/or headaches. All you have to do is take an injection weekly. So from what I am hearing from patients of this injection, you pretty much are repulsed by the sight of food. Some people have said to feel nauseous seeing or smelling food. Long story short it pretty much stops you from eating so much or eating at all. I have heard someone being rushed to the emergency room because of the use this drug.

I don’t follow celebrity news but some people say this is the new drug the Kardashians are promoting or pushing. I don’t know really. To me it’s scary to see something like this out there. Maybe some can use this to restart themselves onto a better way of living. Creating a better relationship with food. But some people won’t stop and most likely will push it until they pass out or something worse.

In my opinion this just backs up the idea of calories in calories out. You just need to know the right about of calories your body needs. We just need to have more self control. Ask yourself, Why am I eating? Is it because I’m hungry or just bored? Your body needs calories to survive, function, adapt and grow. You will lose weight but you will lose body fat as well as muscle. Try your best to be more disciplined and consistent. But if you do use this injection, at what point will you stop and when you stop, will you return to your bad eating habits?


Fixing Your Metabolism

